Some of the things I've been drawing for other people

This was something I quickly knocked up today.

Drawing of Hot Air Balloon through sniper's scope

It was inspired by an episode of an awesome podcast, Historians of Time, done by some friends of mine in a comedy group called the Invention of Dragons. Check them out at

Also the other day I drew this for another awesome group of funny friends, the Project 52. They do comedy at one of the Hermann's bar at Sydney Uni every Wednesday.

Cartoon of Giant Duck fighting a Giant Bear

They wanted a cover photo for their facebook page that was a little more specific to themeselves, so I made this as an option for them. Their four regular shows are:

Make way for ducklings; a sketch show.
The Improv Den; which features a performance by the Bear Pack in the second half.
Story Club; which is stories written by people and performed by them, by reading from a book from chair.
Comedy Tonic; a stand up night.

So I tried to incorporate that into a picture and they had a previous poster witha robot fighting a dinosaur that I drew inspiration from. I don't know if they'll use it, but it was fun to make. Check them out at

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