Shipping from China takes too long

I bought my housemates old Canon 5D Mark ii when he upgraded to the Mark iii. I bought it to make video with so did all the research and it basically said you can save money buying non-canon lenses second hand and buying adaptors to fit them to my camera. Stage one went fantastic, I bought a great looking Olympus 50mm prime lens from ebay and it shipped in a day. Stage 2 order an adaptor ring also from ebay. This stage failed so spectacularly. I've owned the camera for a month, and I really wanted to start by using my own lenses so I could get a feel for them. Today I used it for the first time (it's gorgeous btw, very happy with it).

The ebay ring still hasn't shipped.

I ended up going into a brick and mortar camera store and buying a very expensive adaptor ring so I could finally start playing with my camera, negating most of the advantage of buying off brand. Never the less, it looks great and I have some very video friendly friends. I'll import the videos and try to edit something together later this week.

Now if I could only think of a project to film.

In other news, I forgot how draining working a full week could be. Back at Masterchef for the week, and working in that studio is very draining.

In other other news, I have my 3rd (actually 4th) ever stand up gig on Monday, which I'm really looking forward too. I'll try and record it with my new camera and sound recorder. I've been thinking a lot about comedy lately. I don't think this will help me be funny, but it's a point of conversation that could be raise and discussed if this wasn't such a one way mode of conversation. With you, my non-existent readership.

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