Posting Because I said I would

I really wanted to make a comic tonight, but despite having a few working ideas swirling around in my head, I can't seem to get any down on "paper". So blog post it is. But I don't really have anything to say. I just went and saw Ross Noble for the second time, and he was great. It's amazing to just start relating to a whole audience so quickly and friendly like. I'm also inspired by his show format, the half written half improvised stuff would be so fun to do I feel. Anyway, really good night.

The thing from china finally shipped. Yay, useless now.

Happy Birthday Yas!

I've slept in too much the last couple of days, tomorrow I want to get up and be useful, before I go to do some impro. Impro should be fun so yay for that.

I'm in a weird mood.

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